Childless Living
A growing number of people all over the globe are practicing childless living. They may have wanted children or consciously chosen not to, but how did they come to this point and what do their lives look like? On the basis of a worldwide survey and interviews with over 70 people from over 10 countries, on my own lived experience and that of many other authors, I paint a picture of from the spring through to the winter of life without children.
The Childhood Conclusions Fix – Turning Negative Self-Talk Around
We all have voices in our heads that tell us over and over again that we don’t belong, we’re not good enough, we should keep ourselves hidden, we should have control and we should be perfect. Even if they’ve let us know a million times, these voices are untrue. Read this book to find out how five patterns dominate our self-talk, and how you can turn this around to feel present, enough, creative, loving and exactly who you ought to be. We’ve all jumped to conclusions when we were small. We’re big enough now to turn them around.
The Eldest Daughter Effect
How firstborn women – like Oprah Winfrey, Sheryl Sandberg, JK Rowling and Beyoncé – harness their strengths
Women leaders all over the world turn out to be eldest daughters, and this is not a coincidence. Their success can largely be explained by their big sister position within the family. Firstborn women usually develop typical traits such as a deep sense of responsibility, duty and caring. The Eldest Daughter Effect, co-authored with journalist Wies Enthoven, describes the big five characteristics most firstborn women share – and how these determine the life of an eldest daughter in early childhood, friendship, work, love and motherhood.
Once we alight the trains of thoughts that keep us locked on the same trajectory, we can live as the light that we are. That is the premise of this booklet about lightening up. The invitation in Alight is to become light-footed by facing the threat that we ward off by getting stuck on the dots behind ‘What if …’. The proposal is to become light-headed by opening up to the present through letting go of stories that keep us sealed in a past long gone. The idea is to become light-hearted by turning our stern inner critic into a staunch ally.